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Low Libido? We Can Help

Experiencing a decrease in sexual interest is a common situation. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, about 4 in 10 women have some type of sexual problem at some point in their lives.

Fortunately, many cases of low sex drive can be successfully addressed.

Here at Women’s Healthcare of Princeton in Princeton, New Jersey, our team of all-female care providers has extensive experience helping women of all ages address problems with low libido. Read on to learn more about how we can help you.

Causes of low libido

A decrease in sexual interest can have a variety of emotional and physical causes.

Some of the emotional triggers include stress, anxiety, depression, overwhelming work or family responsibilities, and relationship problems between couples. A history of sexual abuse or other psychological issues may also interfere with sexual desire.

Some of the physical factors that can reduce libido include menopause symptoms, hormonal issues, pain from intercourse, health problems, and certain medications or medical treatments.

Evaluating sexual problems

When you see one of our care providers about low libido, our first step is to do a full evaluation to determine the possible causes of your problem. In addition to performing a physical exam and any necessary testing, we talk with you about what’s going on in your life.

During your evaluation, we consider all possible causes and work with you to understand your physical and emotional health.

Recommending a path forward

Once we understand what may be causing your low libido, we work with you to make a plan to address your situation. Depending on your situation, your path forward may include one or more of the following.


Counseling can help treat emotional issues related to sexual function and desire. You may benefit from meeting with a social worker, therapist, or psychologist for individual or couples therapy. If you have a mental health issue such as depression or anxiety, we may recommend medical treatment for your condition.

Mind/body strategies

When stress and worry contribute to low libido, mind/body strategies such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, exercise, mindfulness, and guided imagery can reduce feelings of distress and make space for you to experience sex in a more relaxed way.

Health conditions related to sexual function

If your sexual dysfunction is related to a health condition, medication, or medical treatment, we work with you to understand and resolve these issues. For example, if you take a medication that dampens sexual desire, you may have the option of switching to a different medication with fewer sexual side effects.

Menopause-related conditions

It’s common to experience low libido related to menopause. Some symptoms related to menopause and perimenopause (the time before menopause) can reduce sexual interest and sexual pleasure, including:

Menopause-related treatment options

If your low libido is caused by menopause symptoms, the following treatment options may provide relief.

Hormone therapy

Menopause causes changes in hormone levels. For some women, hormone replacement medications can relieve a variety of menopausal symptoms, including low libido. Depending on your situation, pills or topical vaginal hormone applications could help.

MonaLisa Touch

MonaLisa Touch is a gentle laser treatment used to treat gynecological conditions. It is a medical procedure that regenerates vaginal tissue and forms new collagen and new blood vessels without the need for medications.

MonaLisa Touch is not a vaginal rejuvenation tool or a cosmetic procedure. It’s a treatment used for clinical purposes to help relieve a number of medical symptoms, including pain during sex and vaginal dryness.

Let us help you with your low libido

Don’t put up with low libido any longer. Our providers at Women’s Healthcare of Princeton can help resolve the issues that stand in the way of your sexual pleasure. To make an appointment, call our office at 609-246-5541 or use our online booking tool.

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