The Importance of an Annual Well-Woman Exam

If you haven’t scheduled your annual well-woman exam yet, now’s a good time to get it on your calendar. Having a well-woman exam once a year is an important way to take care of your reproductive health and your overall health.
During your well-woman exam, your provider checks on your current health and shares important information with you about preventing future medical problems. It’s also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about your body.
Here at Women’s Healthcare of Princeton, our team of providers, led by Dr. Maria Sophocles, takes your health seriously. No matter what your age, we encourage you to have a well-woman exam each year. Learn about why this annual checkup is so important.
A foundation of care
Having a yearly well-woman exam is the best gift you can give yourself each year. It is the foundation of your health care and a great time for you to connect with your care provider about your current and long-term health.
A well-woman exam gives your provider a chance to catch any health problems early, when they are easiest to treat. And it provides you with important information about how to prevent health problems from occurring in the future.
Here are some important things that happen during your annual visit.
A physical exam
We give you a full exam that looks at various factors that can affect your health, including your blood pressure, weight, and heart rate. We listen to your heart and lungs and look for any signs of trouble.
A gynecological exam
During this exam, we check the health of your breasts and reproductive system, including your vaginal and urinary health. Be sure to let us know if you have questions or concerns about pregnancy, menopausal symptoms, menstrual health symptoms such as pain or heavy bleeding, or your sexual health.
If needed, you will receive a Pap test and/or HPV test. These screening tests look for conditions that could eventually lead to cervical cancer.
Discussion about birth control
We answer any questions you may have about birth control. If you need birth control, we talk with you about which method is best for you.
A plan for screening tests
Various types of screening tests can check for conditions such as breast cancer and colon cancer. We let you know whether and when you should have a mammogram, colonoscopy, and other screening tests.
Depending on your age, health history, and family history, we may also recommend other health screening tests for conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and thyroid disease.
Vaccine check
Vaccines aren’t just for children. During your well-woman exam, we make sure you’re up to date on vaccines and administer any that you may need.
Make a date for your annual exam
If you’re due for an annual well-woman visit, don’t wait any longer. Schedule an appointment today with one of our Women’s Healthcare of Princeton providers. Call our office at 609-246-5541 or book online now.
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